Be Your Own Fan Club

Believe In YourselfWhen I started writing, for some odd reason I thought I would have this cheering section. Like really...I assumed since I was blogging, automatically readers would come to my blog.The biggest misconception in all of this, was that I would have the full support of at least friends and family.

This turned out to be the biggest lie of them all, that I told myself.

When you are an artist or a creator, or do things that are different from the norm, most of the time you're not going to have support you think you'll get.Well, at least not in my experience.I had so many people ask me the question, "You still doing that blog thing," or my favorite "Hey, how are those book sales coming?"But, when it came down to my first book being published some friends and family who said they would support me by either reading it or buy it, didn't.That's why I decided along time ago as a writer and entrepreneur, in all the other endevours that I do, that I, myself have to cheer myself on.

If you wait for people to cheer you on, especially your own family and/or friends...hate to tell you, but you'll be so disappointed.

giphy-downsized (7)If no one takes you seriously about writing, opening a business or whatever...please take YOURSELF seriously.I love my readers!95% of you all I don't know, but I thank YOU for your support and your continued feedback!Have you ever relied on someone to cheer you on and they didn't? What happened? Were you surprised? How did you feel?Comment below...Until next time...Nicole Alicia sig


My Worry For Tomorrow's Generation


Why I Started Blogging